Got something to say? A joke? A story to tell? A point of view to share? Or you just like talking rubbish for the fun of it? Soundcircles puts your voice right at the heart of your Photos. Record your own words (or choose from our menu of audio clips); then Post to the whole world or Send direct to a mate’s Messaging app.
It’s kinda that simple. Well, almost. Soundcircles is free, so no harm in giving it a try. Check out the Soundcircles du jour in our Featured feed; or create a Profile so you can share your own Soundcircles across the usual social platforms.
- Embed multiple Soundcircles in a single image
- Access free a range of pre-recorded Soundcircles themed around specific occasions
- Create and Send Soundcircles natively from within iMessage
- Create a Profile to store and share all your Soundcircle messages
Every picture tells a story. Tell yours with Soundcircles